Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A wormhole apart...

A wormhole, such a lovely wormhole.....

Recently I've been diving into wormholes to both cause pain and collect isk. Since my time in the lovely wormhole ganking channel (whos name I will not disclose :P) I've found ive had an affinity for trying to find people to gank in wormholes.

The one thing I love the most about that channel is how people come together, who arent blue to each other.....and sometimes are even red to each other, and work together to kill the bears of care.

So lately ive been running around new eden into different wormholes (sometimes ones that I found sometimes ones that other people have found) and trying to kill people. Being mostly foiled by poses anchored in w space, and cloaky devices...... but hey, ive had fun....and that is what matters.

So now I find myself in a backwater system trying to decide if I should go party with some friends and have a Christmas killing spree in lowsec, or continue sitting on this W-hole so my corp can establish a beachhead inside......ohh decisions....

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